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3 reasons to talk to a vocational specialist before your divorce

On Behalf of | May 14, 2020 | Divorce |

Both you and your spouse likely have a general idea of how much you can earn in any given year. If your marriage is heading for an inevitable divorce, though, your and your spouse’s earning potential is apt to become increasingly important. Still, the two of you may not agree on the matter.

A vocational specialist uses a variety of metrics to calculate a person’s earning capacity. The specialist’s findings may help a judge calculate spousal or child support. Alternatively, you may choose to use a vocational specialist’s report to negotiate these or other matters with your soon-to-be ex-spouse. Here are three times when talking to a vocational specialist usually makes sense.

1. You want to understand your spouse’s earning potential

Divorcing spouses often want to pay as little as possible in alimony or child support. Accordingly, your partner may downplay his or her income potential. A vocational expert may use mathematic facts and financial evidence to dispel this notion.

2. You want to understand your earning potential

Your partner’s income potential is only part of the divorce equation. To plan your divorce strategy, you also must know how much you stand to make over the next few years. Similarly, if you want to earn more, a vocational expert can also help you understand the education or training you may need.

3. Your spouse has a vocational specialist on his or her team

It is easy to win an argument if you are the only one presenting evidence. Therefore, if your spouse has a vocational specialist on his or her divorce team, you probably want to add one to yours as well. Your vocational professional can reach his or her own conclusions, perhaps refuting what your partner’s specialist has to say.

If you are planning to divorce your spouse, a rough estimate of your and your spouse’s earning potential does not do you much good. Working with a vocational expert to determine a realistic number is usually a much better approach.