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Do you plan to move with your kids after your divorce is final?

On Behalf of | Nov 11, 2022 | Divorce |

The end of your marriage will bring many different changes to your life. It could also necessitate that you change where you live, whether it’s moving to a different house or relocating to a different city. Moving is complicated at any point in life, but it can be especially challenging during a time of change and transition. Despite the potential challenges of moving after your divorce, you may believe this is the best option for you and your kids.  

There is much more involved with moving after a divorce than simply packing your things and hiring a moving company. There are legal issues to consider, including the terms of a custody and visitation order. You may also want to consider the potential impact that a move will have on your kids’ education and emotional health. As with any decisions related to your divorce, the priority should remain the best interests of your children above all else. 

Thinking about relocation 

A move after a divorce is a potentially life-altering decision. There are many different factors that could influence your decision, including the affordability of staying in your current home, living closer to family, the needs of your kids and much more. As you think about the possibility of a move, you may want to take the following things into consideration: 

  • State laws – There may be laws that determine what a custodial parent can and cannot do regarding moving with kids after divorce. If you violate your custody order or custody laws, you could face additional complications. 
  • Protecting your kids – A move may be necessary, but so is protecting the interests of your children. It is important to make choices that will not cause undue stress for the youngest members of the family. 
  • Emotional needs – You will find it beneficial to help your kids during a time of transition by taking steps that will help them feel comfortable in their new home, giving them time to adjust to new surroundings. 

A move after a divorce may be the most difficult for your kids. While you are experiencing difficult feelings yourself, it is beneficial to set these temporary emotions aside and focus on what choices will ultimately be best for the kids. Before you make any important decisions, however, it is important to have an understanding of custody laws and what rights you have as a New Jersey parent.