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The factors that could affect your child custody

On Behalf of | Apr 15, 2022 | Child Custody |

If you are facing divorce, you likely have serious concerns about how this process could affect the well-being of your children. The youngest members of a New Jersey family could suffer mental and emotional duress as they navigate the transitions brought by divorce, and as a parent, you naturally want to minimize the negative effects this process can have. It will be helpful for you to learn about the specific factors that could affect the terms of your child custody order.

Child custody is often one of the most contentious aspects of a divorce, and the court may decide on an arrangement that is in the best interests of the children. There are various factors the court will take into consideration when deciding what will be ideal for the youngest members of the family. As their parent, you have the right to seek a specific outcome to a custody case.

What does the court look at?

The best interests of the children is the standard by which the court will measure all decisions made regarding the care and custody of the kids. Some of the factors that could influence the terms of the final order include:

  • Parents’ capacity to care for the children
  • Any history of a parent’s drug or alcohol dependance
  • Evidence of domestic violence or neglect
  • Ability of the parent to provide a stable and loving environment
  • Living accommodations of each parent
  • Wishes of both the children and the parents
  • Quality of the relationship between the kids and the parents
  • Level of attachment between the kids and their current home, school and lifestyle
  • Mental and physical health of each parent

Each child custody case is different, and the terms of your order will likely depend on the details of your individual situation and factors unique to your family. If there are specific issues you would like the court to consider, you have the right to have your concerns heard.

Think long-term

The goal of a child custody arrangement is to provide stability and security for your kids for years to come. Whether you are presenting a negotiated custody arrangement to the court for approval or the court will make the decision on your final order, you may benefit from an understanding of what factors the court considers when determining the best interests of the child.