Like others in New Jersey and across the country, if you are in the early stages of divorce, you are probably also going through many confusing emotions. Undoubtedly, you are experiencing pain, anger and frustration as you battle through the issues with your ex. The decisions you make over the next few months will likely determine the course of your life for the foreseeable future, and this can create stressful encounters with your former spouse.
You need an outlet, and it may be second nature to take your frustrations to your social media pages. Social media can be a sounding board, and it might bring you comfort when others commiserate with you and appreciate what you are going through. However, your social media sites could be among the most dangerous weapons your ex can use against you to hurt your chances for custody, spousal support and other elements of your divorce order.
Damaging evidence
If you are active on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or other social media platforms, your ex and his or her legal team will likely be scouring your social media pages for any posts to use as evidence against you in court. These might be taken out of context, or you might share them as a joke, but you do not want to be on the defensive when your ex shows the court posts or pictures about you doing the following:
- Overindulging in alcohol
- Participating in illegal activity, such as doing drugs
- Taking selfies with a new romantic interest
- Badmouthing or telling lies about your ex
- Complaining about your children or the stress of parenting
- Acting irrationally
- Spending money on extravagances
Any of these could become evidence against you during your divorce. For example, your ex may want the court to see that you are unfit as a parent. A new love interest may suggest you are misusing marital funds. Excess spending may indicate you have no need for spousal support.
What should I do?
Social media posts do not go away. While you may be releasing your personal stress, it is important to remember that your family and friends may also be hurting because of your breakup, including your children. You would not want your loved ones to come across any posts or pictures that could be hurtful or confusing to them or embarrassing to you in the long run.
Deleting negative posts or deactivating your account may appear as if you are hiding evidence, so this is not recommended. Perhaps the wisest course of action is to simply step away from social media for now.